
Access Bars

Access Bars® is a gentle touch, hands-on technique introduced by Gary M. Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness in 1990.

A session includes 32 points on your head being gently touched. This process allows for the easy release of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love and being who you truly are. “Access Bars® is possibly, the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you may have never heard of.” A blissful was to create more space within you and your life and access more of who you truly are.

1 hour: $90

1 hour Bowen & Bars Bliss: $90

1.5 hours: $130

Reiki (Usui)

Reiki is channeling universal energy. It is a hands on treatment that helps to clear stuck energy, promotes well-being, relaxation and increased awareness. To create even more bliss in the session I place crystals on the chakra points and around your body.

1 hour: $90

1.5 hours: $130

Bowen Therapy

The Bowen Technique (also known as Bowtech and Bowenwork) utilises subtle inputs to the body (known as moves). Bowen is a whole body approach that can help to provide relief for many types of injuries and overall health, wellbeing and relaxation.

30 mins: $50

45 mins: $75

60 mins Bowen & Bars Bliss: $90

Treatment location: Cairns QLD

Please contact for bookings